After a lot of hue and cry, delays, internal politics & last minute preparations, finally the world witnessed the CWG opening ceremony. Aussies and English newspapers (any many Indians, like me) had to eat their own words. A common man not only witnessed the star studded and lavish ceremony, he also witnessed and got accounted for the ever burdening TAX he had been paying in recent years. Be it the 65 Crore baloon or the giant puppets, India had never hosted an event of this magnitude.
Now, the important questions. With the grand success of the CWG opening (which by no means is over), what will be the fate of Suresh Kalmadi, his accomplices and all those who had been ear marked as CURRUPT when preparations were found to be below par and shoddy. Kalmadi and CO. have given no account of the huge amount of money that was spent in the preparations? Will there be an enquiry? Will the guilty be sent behind the bars? Or will these gentlemen be set scott free?
Yes the event was a success but as a tax payer I dont think that all the money, alloted for the games (that grew from 690 Crore originally sanctioned to 82,000 Crore) was utilized for preparations. There is still huge chunks of un-accounted money that someone needs to account for.
We had witnessed a spectacular CWG opening. Let's open the PANDORA's box now.
Kalmadi agrees to an enquiry after the games. Why can't we have a CBI lead enquiry that would put a crystal clear picture of each and every penny, claimed to be spent on preparations, in front of the tax payer. It is him who has been shrinking his daily meals to compensate for his family's living.